Ebook Free Rice Cooker Meals: Fast Home Cooking for Busy People: How to feed a family of four quickly and easily for under $10 (with leftovers!) and have less ... up so you’ll be out of the kitchen quicker!, by Neal Bertrand
Ebook Free Rice Cooker Meals: Fast Home Cooking for Busy People: How to feed a family of four quickly and easily for under $10 (with leftovers!) and have less ... up so you’ll be out of the kitchen quicker!, by Neal Bertrand
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Rice Cooker Meals: Fast Home Cooking for Busy People: How to feed a family of four quickly and easily for under $10 (with leftovers!) and have less ... up so you’ll be out of the kitchen quicker!, by Neal Bertrand
Ebook Free Rice Cooker Meals: Fast Home Cooking for Busy People: How to feed a family of four quickly and easily for under $10 (with leftovers!) and have less ... up so you’ll be out of the kitchen quicker!, by Neal Bertrand
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~The Spaghetti and Meatballs meal is the best I have ever eaten. Jo Parker~LOVE this cookbook. Everything I have tried is fabulous! Lou Bain~My husband got your cookbook. I tried your Taco Soup recipe. It was so good I can't wait to try more of your recipes. D. Lejeune, Iota, La.~ I did the potatoes, green beans and sausage tonight. What a relief to have an easy, quick way to cook good food that is economical and doesn't require a whole lot of dishwashing!  Demetria~ I made the Pizza Pastalaya tonight.  It turned out great, my husband went back for seconds. Donna PalmerI'm a lousy cook. My kids usually ask me NOT to cook! They say I can blacken anything. I picked up your books (both the rice cooker book and slow cooker book) because I wanted to make life in the kitchen easier and less "blackened" meals! I had made your Chicken Fried Rice from the Rice Cooker Meals and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm out of rice today so I used spaghetti noodles and added frozen corn. Delicious! I'll be using both ways in the future! Even my pickiest eater liked it! Can't help but like something that makes me look good in the kitchen!M. BarousseCarencro, LA
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From the Author
I have been doing book signings and rice cooker demonstrations for years. I love cooking a rice cooker meal in a bookstore. The mouth-watering aroma fills the whole store from front to back. When the customers walk in from outside they look around to see where that wonderful aroma is coming from, and there I am waving to them and offering them a free sample. Once they taste my Blackeyed Pea & Sausage Jambalaya dish, they are hooked, so they have to buy a copy, and since they make a great gift, they buy extra for friends.~~~ ~~~What others are saying:~I heard you this morning on KPEL radio. I have purchased your cookbook and now am going to purchase a rice cooker for the first time. Ed Gomez, Lafayette, La.~I would like to buy your rice cooker book. I really need it. My kitchen is being remodeled and I will not have a kitchen. I just bought a rice cooker and I need a recipe book. Thanks. S. Knight, Redway, California~I got your ebook. YUM - Â Could cooking be any easier? Â Oh - maybe - If I had a maid. :-) Thank you! Eileen Eisner~Made the Chinese Stir Fry with ham and loved it! Â Definitely want to work my way through Rice Cooker Meals! Elizabeth Broussard~Thanks for the great recipes and ideas for using my rice cooker. I love your book. I'm sure this not an original idea, but I love making popcorn in my rice cooker. Keep up the good work. I appreciate your creativity. Fay KennedyNOTE! All three of my cookbooks are available as Kindle ebooks and paperbacks!
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See all Editorial Reviews
Product details
Paperback: 96 pages
Publisher: Cypress Cove Publishing (September 20, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780970586841
ISBN-13: 978-0970586841
ASIN: 0970586841
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.2 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.7 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.9 out of 5 stars
67 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#936,145 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
If you like "Cajun Cooking", you will like the recipes in this cookbook ... please note the recipes are developed using the "old style" rice cooker ... the ones I have tried in the "new style" (Sanyo) rice cooker did not turn out well ... less water is required when using the "new style" rice cooker ... I'm still working on a conversion ... the recipes I have tried using the "old style" rice cooker turned out great and were very good ... but the recipes are great even if you decide to cook them in a standard pot using the stove top ... RPH
If you like Cajun food this is the book for you! The sauce piquant recipes and crawfish and shrimp recipes are amazing!! Cabbage rolls used to take all day to make and now I use the cabbage casserole recipe to make it easier. This is the only recipe book where I have actually made and loved 75% of the recipes. And they all use simple ingredients that I keep in stock already. Nothing fancy I have to buy!! I know it sounds weird to use a rice cooker for meals but this is like a crockpot that cooks in 45min or less. If you have a fancy rice cooker you need to use the rice setting, not slow cook. And if it says to cook for a certain time then I set my timer and stop the rice cooker after that so the shrimp are not overdone.My family likes meals with substance and not just rice. This book also has a lot of recipes with potatoes instead of rice. The fajita chicken stuffed baked potato recipe is great! And it just uses frozen French fries for the potato part. It doesn't get much easier than that!!This is the perfect book for someone who loves to crockpot but wants their meal done in 45 min or less! I wish I was paid or given some compensation for this review , but sadly not. My aunt gave it to me years ago and my friends are always asking where to buy it.
I was hoping that this book would have "from scratch" recipes. Instead, it uses so many canned and packaged mixes that the food becomes more of a chemical cocktail than a meal.
I wasn't sure I'd be able to get the hang of using rice cooker for anything but rice. But as soon as this book arrived I read it from cover to cover and could hardly wait to try his recipes. This book is a little gem. With a little imagination you can easily adjust ingredients to make your recipes more spicy, less spicy, beef instead of chicken, broth instead of canned tomatoes with chiles, less butter, etc. etc. This is a no brainer. To some people it might look too plain but that's fine with me. It's just a good, easy to follow, minimum preparation, delicious collection of recipes, some of which are typical of louisiana cooking....which is what the author himself did not dispute. I have never used as many recipes out of any cookbook I own..and I own a lot!!! I'm currently going through all the recipes but so far my favorites are Shrimp Jambalaya, Black Eyed Peas & Sausage Jambalaya, Tex-Mex Pasta, Chicken fried rice, and Mexican Rice. There are also soup recipes, yams, potato and cabbage recipes but haven't tried these yet. Mr Bertrand I'm anxiously waiting for your next cookbook, if there is one, but in the meantime thanks for this one!
My latest "kick" is rice cookers. I learned you can make entire delicious meals in them, not just cook rice. This cookbook makes rice cooking/entire meals easy. It's mostly a Cajun cookbook but you'll find many delicious other recipes too. I had a question, emailed the author, and he actually emailed me back with the answer!! Recipes are for 8 to 10 cup On/Off/Warm rice cookers, not for fuzzy logic cookers. Rice cooker recipes can be made in the fuzzy logic cookers but adjustments would have to be made. I'm also experimenting using olive oil instead of butter and the author has been helpful with that. I HIGHLY recommend this rice cooker cookbook for On/Off/Warm ricer cookers.
It was handy to tell me the different types of rice and how they are cooked but that was where the helpfulness ended. The meals seemed quite involved for a book that states "Fast home cooking for busy people" and it just wasn't that helpful. I guess some people might find it useful but to me I had to do too many adaptations to find it necessary.
I didn't find any of the recipes appitizing enough to want to try. Only ordered the kindle addition and the paging is messed up. Titles for recipes on bottom of page before it and such. Its ok, but wish I hadn't spent the 3 dollars on it.
This book is chock full of one-pot-meals that you can prepare and cook in your Rice Cooker appliance. Jambalayas, casseroles, pastas, soups, potatoes. Yum. And if you are into spicy foods this is definitely the book for you. Lots of Mexican, Italian and Cajun cooking. And after each recipe there are reviews from people who have tried it and gave their opinions and alternate suggestions.
Rice Cooker Meals: Fast Home Cooking for Busy People: How to feed a family of four quickly and easily for under $10 (with leftovers!) and have less ... up so you’ll be out of the kitchen quicker!, by Neal Bertrand PDF
Rice Cooker Meals: Fast Home Cooking for Busy People: How to feed a family of four quickly and easily for under $10 (with leftovers!) and have less ... up so you’ll be out of the kitchen quicker!, by Neal Bertrand EPub
Rice Cooker Meals: Fast Home Cooking for Busy People: How to feed a family of four quickly and easily for under $10 (with leftovers!) and have less ... up so you’ll be out of the kitchen quicker!, by Neal Bertrand Doc
Rice Cooker Meals: Fast Home Cooking for Busy People: How to feed a family of four quickly and easily for under $10 (with leftovers!) and have less ... up so you’ll be out of the kitchen quicker!, by Neal Bertrand iBooks
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Rice Cooker Meals: Fast Home Cooking for Busy People: How to feed a family of four quickly and easily for under $10 (with leftovers!) and have less ... up so you’ll be out of the kitchen quicker!, by Neal Bertrand Mobipocket
Rice Cooker Meals: Fast Home Cooking for Busy People: How to feed a family of four quickly and easily for under $10 (with leftovers!) and have less ... up so you’ll be out of the kitchen quicker!, by Neal Bertrand Kindle